domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2020

Oral Presentation

 Hi guys, this is the link from the video I made about an interesting topic of the the career that I study. Hope you enjoy it. 

Oral Presentation

Take care. Bye ♡ 

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2020

Post #4: My favorite festivity

Honestly, I don't really like festivities. I only know Christmas, New Year and National Holidays. And I think the one I like the most are the National Holidays, but not because of their meaning. I like them because It's family encounter where all of us can eat, drink and have a lot of funny conversations. It allows us to celebrate many things and in my family we don't necessarily celebrate for the country.

The National Holidays in Chile start on September 18th and finish on September 19th. It's usually two days of celebration, which is awesome since everything is canceled and we don't have any classes during those days. 

Besides, the best thing of the National Holidays is the "terremoto" or earthquake in English. It's an alcoholic drink which is made with white wine called "pipeño", pineapple ice cream and pomegranate syrup called "granadina". I really love to drink that. It's delicious. It has a sweet taste because of the ice cream and the syrup. 

The origin of this festivity is because of on the September 18th, the creation of the first national board is commemorate, where the country was finally able to emancipate itself and be independent. On the other hand, on the September 19th the Day of the Glories of the Army is celebrated. But I don't really care about anything of that. And neither does my family. We only spent those two days drinking a lot of alcohol and eating a lot of salad and meat. It's very cool for all of us. 

That's all. I hope you have a nice week. Bye ♡

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2020

Post #3 My favorite piece of technology

When I was 11 years old, my family gave me my first and my favorite piece of technology: a computer. I remember that I was extremely happy, because I was hoping anxiously having a computer to play a lot of virtual games. At that time, It was very difficult for my parents to buy something like a computer or even cellphones. And in fact, the computer that I received was property of my cousins. 

Me and my brother divided the time using the computer for just an hour, because my mother was very strict about that. And honestly, I always hated playing on the computer for such a short time. But, in the end, I understood that my mother was only protecting us for the dangers of the internet and the social networks. Besides of the problems that brings spending a lot of time on the computer screen. 

I always loved having a facebook account because I spent most of the time chatting with my friends and that makes me very happy. Besides, I used to play a lot with them on the internet. 

After that, I finally could have my own computer, because I received a scholarship where they gave me a notebook for my high grades in the school. 

At the present, I don't have that notebook, because I bought another recently. And basically I use it for studying, doing online homework and having online classes because of the pandemic situation where we live now. I think It's the best educational tool, because It allows us to feel comfortable in our spaces, specially in our homes.

I think I would be very difficult to me if the computers didn't exist, because I grew up with it. I feel like I've been adapted to technology and the comfort that It gives me. I knew that in the previous times It was pretty complicated to handwrite everything, It tooks many hours to do it. Instead, the computer allows us to type and do the work so much easily and quickly. The computer also allows us to comunicate with much frequency. So, I think It's the best piece of technology in addition to cellphones.

Hope you have a nice week, take care 

Post #5: My best friend

I usually thought that having a lot of friends was amazing. But, in the end I realized that not all the people you think you know are good. ...