domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2020

Post #5: My best friend

I usually thought that having a lot of friends was amazing. But, in the end I realized that not all the people you think you know are good. So, I started to getting away from the people who hurt me. Especially those who used me to hang out and then walked away as if I was a simple object. After that, I decided that I would only have a few friends and nobody else. I would only choose people who really love me and accept me for who I am. 

Nevermind, let's talk about my best friend. 

I met him on Instagram in 2018. I knew him before because a friend of mine knew him too. And one day He decided to talk to me and tell me about his music band. He figured out that I was a singer, so He wanted to have me in his music band. And I accepted, because I thought It would be very fun. Since then, We started to spending time together and know each other. Now, We've been friends for 2 years. And I really love him. He's 20 years old, just like me and we have a lot in common. 

He's the most comprenssive person that I know. He's always supporting me about many things. And I have a lot of confidence with him. I know He will be there if I need help or a hug. He makes me happy when I'm sad and He always invite me to go out and to spend time with me. I'm very happy for having him in my life. I'm pretty sure that He feels the same way about me. 

I think that the best memory I have with him was when He and I went out together and practiced some music in a park. We laughed a lot that day and It was amazing. 

That'all. I hope you have nice week. Take care. 

Post #5: My best friend

I usually thought that having a lot of friends was amazing. But, in the end I realized that not all the people you think you know are good. ...