lunes, 12 de octubre de 2020

Post #1: My Autobiography

 Hi guys ♡, this is my first website and I'm going to talk about myself. My name is Esperanza Pizarro Abarca and I'm 20 years old. I was born in Santiago of Chile. 

When I was a child, I studied in a school called "Escuela Sanitas", where I finished my elementary education. Then, when I was in the middle school I studied in a school called "Granja Sur", where my specialization was on Industrial Chemystry. 

At present, I'm student of the career Pre-school Teaching at Universidad de Chile. Last year I studied the career Translation English-Japanese & English-Portuguese at Universidad de Santiago de Chile but I had a lot of personal problems that forced me to quit and take a rest. And I think that was a very good decision.

My family is formed by my mom, my dad and my brother. I don't have any pets because I'm allergic to cats and dogs so It's kind of difficult to me to be near around them. Anyway, I would love to have a cat and take care of it. 

My hobbies are singing, playing the guitar, watching series and movies, taking a walk on a park or just going out with my friends. I really love taking pictures of any sunsets. But what I like the most is going out with my boyfriend and spend time with him. 

I hope you can know me better with all this information about myself.

Bye ♡


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Post #5: My best friend

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